Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More floors (again)...

So at this point, I managed to score a floor section off of ebay that is original, but damaged. These suckers cost over 500.00 to buy (rip off) if you buy them complete...I opted to buy the damaged one that was just missing the bottom braces and had a cut in the metal. Big deal. Easy fix, cost me 90.00 instead of 500.00. I simply welded two pieces of U-channel underneith for support, and ended up trimming the back anyways. Here you can see the back cargo section mounted, with two carrier bolts securing it to the frame. I re-used some rubber pads off of Betty, my 1950 Buick underneith the bolts.

Here is the front driver floor, where it meets the riser. You can also see the cargo area stitched in. This will all be covered in seam sealer and then shot with U-pol bed liner.

Here's the front of the driver's side, with the matching diamond plate kick piece that helps hold the two seams together.

The center bolt-on sections were sandblasted, and the one repaired. At this point, the bottom side is painted in Eastwood's rust encapsulator, which gives you a bullet-proof rust inhibitor. Next they'll be bolted in place and the front should be ready to seam-seal.

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