Well, we're wrapping things up now... New crossmember installed, emergency brake drum powdercoated and put back in, rear driveshaft put back in. We fired it up in hopes of taking her for a quick drive around the block, but the thing is running like utter crap. The heater core is pouring antifreeze into the cab, the motor is not running well...I've got to go back through things and figure out where the problem is. Stay tuned.
Below, the freshly powdercoated rear drive shaft.
Emergency brake drum, much cleaner than the grease infested transfer case...gotta wait until it warms up to take the pressure washer to it!
Inside...I took a piece of diamond plate, powdercoated, and riveted it to the dash to cover the hack-job someone did to put a radio in this thing. The glass ball on the first transfer case stick is the shift ball that was on my Jeepster when I bought it (seemed too nostalgic to pass up) and the 3-ball is an antique ball from the 1920's.